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Kamar Set Italy 074

Kategori : Kamar Set italy
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Dilihat : 452
Harga : Rp (hubungi cs)

Kamar Set Italy 074Kamar Set Italy 074 dipan no.1, nakas 2, bufet 1,  almari pakaian 2 pintu dan 1 sofa bebahan dasar kayu jati solid dengan finishing melamin dan ukiran khas jepara elegan dengan gaya khas eropa, sangat cocok untuk mengisi ruang tidur anda menambah kenyaman tidur anda. Price Rp. 17.000.000

in english

Set Italy bunk room 074 no.1, 2 bedside tables, a sideboard, cupboard 2 doors and 1 clothes sofa made ??from solid teak wood with melamine finish and distinctive Jepara carving elegant European style, perfectly suited to fill your bedroom added comfort sleep you. Price Rp.17.000.000


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